Towards a port archaeology in Latin America and the Caribbean: reflection from a case study in Cartagena de Indias.




American ports, geoarchaeology, navigation, Port archaeology, primary sources of information


Underwater archaeology in Latin America and the Caribbean until a few years ago had focused exclusively on the study of shipwrecks, mainly those of the Carrera de Indias. However, due to the development of the discipline in our region, the exchange of experiences and academic training, new lines of research have been opened, seeking to implement and adapt methodological and technical precepts of the Old Continent to our local realities. This is the specific case of Port Archaeology, a line of interest that seeks to account for the use, functionality and operation, as well as the transformations of the ancient port basins from the geoarchaeological, geochemical and archival study. This article proposes a conceptual and operative definition of the port and the port landscape as an archaeological fact. For this purpose, a study model and its applicability on the other side of the Atlantic in a series of investigations that have been developed for more than 50 years and its similarities in some American countries will be presented. It will be proposed from some results obtained in the port study that we have been developing in the Bahía de las Ánimas, in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, how this approach can help us understand the impact that the development of activities associated with the economic cycle of the city would have had with the construction and management of the port system, but also how this approach applied systematically can offer us a broader picture in a comprehensive manner in our continent.


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How to Cite

Pérez Bermúdez, Víctor Andrés. 2024. “Towards a Port Archaeology in Latin America and the Caribbean: Reflection from a Case Study in Cartagena De Indias”. Arqueología Y Patrimonio 3 (1):64-98.