Patterns of navigability, accidents and sinking in the Colombian Caribbean: a proposal for register of the underwater cultural heritage in Cartagena de Indias and the Guajira peninsula




Accident and Sinking Patterns, Caribbean Sea, Colombia, Maritime and Underwater Archeology, Navigability, Submerged Cultural Heritage


The wide potential of the Archaeological Cultural Heritage in Colombian maritime spaces has manifested the need to propose investigative approaches which allow understanding the complexity of the sites constituted by artifactual evidence located in coastal, intertidal and / or underwater spaces. Hence the relevance of proposing management actions in each of the approximate stages framed in maritime and underwater archaeology. In the case of its first phases, related to the location, registration, documentation, and inventory of maritime heritage, it has become evident the importance of formulating methodological proposals that contribute to its management and protection from a first approach to the sources of information available and interpretable. Each of these contribute to the comprehensive understanding of the material universe of partially or completely submerged archaeological contexts. In this way, this article aims to present the methodological proposal advanced between 2018 and 2019 entitled Navigability, Accident and Sinking Patterns in the Colombian Caribbean carried out in an inter-institutional agreement between the Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia (icanh), the Fundación Panamericana para el Desarrollo (fupad) and the study group Territorios Líquidos of the Universidad Externado de Colombia. It was a preliminary approach to the eventual inventory of sites linked to the Submerged Cultural Heritage of the Nation, with an initial emphasis on Cartagena de Indias and the La Guajira Peninsula, through the systematization, integration, and interrelation of archaeological, history, geography, and orality sources.


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How to Cite

Del Cairo Hurtado, Carlos, Carla Riera Andreu, Laura Victoria Báez Santos, Andrea Chávez Triviño, Gabriela Caro León, and Jesús Alberto Aldana Mendoza. 2024. “Patterns of Navigability, Accidents and Sinking in the Colombian Caribbean: A Proposal for Register of the Underwater Cultural Heritage in Cartagena De Indias and the Guajira Peninsula”. Arqueología Y Patrimonio 3 (1):99-127.