Feminine imaginaries through the visual discourses in the weekly newspaper Sábado, Quito 1953-1966


  • Analía Vallejo Larrea Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador




Female Imaginaries, 20th Century, Quito, Sábado Weekly Newspaper


In this paper I analyze the section “Deténgase aquí mujer” of the weekly newspaper Sábado, in the period from 1953 to 1966 in order to investigate the construction of feminine imaginaries of that epoch, the aspects that have a close relation with women and the changes of it along the time. In the analysis I highlight the close relation of women with religion, the male interest on writing about women and the connection of female imaginaries with vanity. I also, as can be seen repeatedly, show the importance of the roles of both the faithful wife and the mother, considered as essential characteristics of a women of that time.


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Fuentes primarias

Sábado, Ecuador, 1953, 1962, 1964.

Fuentes secundarias

Barreiro, Ana Martínez. “La construcción social del cuerpo en las sociedades.” Papers 73, (2004): 127-152.

Catalina, Severo. La mujer: apuntes para un libro. Madrid, 1858.

Clark, Kim. “Género, raza y nación: La protección a la infancia.” En Antología Género. Gioconda Herrera, 183-210. Quito: FLACSO, 2001.

Goetschel, Ana Maria. De Memorias imágenes públicas de las mujeres ecuatorianas de comienzos y fines del siglo XX. Quito: Trama, 2007.

Paz y Miño, Isabel. “Los periódicos que enterré.” 50 años de periodismo. Quito: Banco Central del Ecuador, 2010.

Porter, Roy. “Historia del cuerpo.” En Formas de hacer historia. Peter Burke, 255-286. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 1993.


— Updated on 2018-09-04

How to Cite

Vallejo Larrea, Analía. 2018. “Feminine Imaginaries through the Visual Discourses in the Weekly Newspaper Sábado, Quito 1953-1966”. Artificios. Revista Colombiana De Estudiantes De Historia, no. 11 (September):10-28. https://doi.org/10.22380/2422118X.2218.


