Perspectives, Motivations and Interests in the Search for Genetic Ancestry in Buenos Aires, Argentina




genética, genealogía, pedigree, identidad


This article proposes an ethnographic approach to the study of the perspectives, motivations, and interests of the individuals participating in the “Genetic Ancestry and Identity” project. Based on a corpus of interviews and using a theoretical framework with the concepts of genealogy and pedigree, we explore the significance of genetic data in the recreation of personal and family histories and identities, and the way in which the genetic ancestry test articulates and enters into negotiation with other experiences and records of oral and written order. Taking into account research in this field we also draw attention to the importance of considering social, legal and political contexts to understand the impact of these new technologies.


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How to Cite

Di Fabio Rocca, F. ., Smietniansky, S. ., Spina, S. ., Coirini, E. ., Gago, J. ., Juárez, L. ., … Avena, S. . (2020). Perspectives, Motivations and Interests in the Search for Genetic Ancestry in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 56(2), 265–287.