Two or three things I know about the concept of culture


  • Marshall Sahlins
  • Jairo Tocancipá-Falla University of Cauca, Colombia





This lecture is mainly about the enduring significance of culture as an anthropological concept and of its endurance among the people anthropologists study. It argues against the easy functionalist dismissal of the peoples´claims of cultural distinction (the so-called invention of tradition) and for the continued relevance of such distinctions (the inventiveness of tradition). It also argues that the anthropological codgers such as Boas, Linton, et al., far from being guilty of all the bad things people are now saying about them, had ideas about culture that are still pertinent to the understanding of its contemporary forms and processes. But then, they had one advantage over most of us today: they had no paralyzing fear of structure.


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How to Cite

Sahlins, M. ., & Tocancipá-Falla, J. . (2001). Two or three things I know about the concept of culture. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 37, 290–327.