Metric and Morphological Variation of the Precolumbian Populations of Colombia. About the Early Peopling of America


  • José Vicente Rodríguez Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Clemencia Vargas Universidad Nacional de Colombia


Eastern Andes, Colombia, craniometry, nonmetric traits, odontometry, dental morphological traits


The morphology of early paleoamericans of the New World is characterized by a long, narrow and height cranial vault, and a big size of teeth, whereas the amerinds (more recent indians) exhibit a shorter and wider cranial vault and more little teeth. Two hypotheses have been proposed: (a) As the result of two different migrations, in the final Pleistocene from Southeast of Asia by population remarkable similar to modern Australo-Melanesian, and by a later Holocene migration from Northeast Asia with mongoloid morphological pattern; (b) by the result of local genetic diversification. We evaluated these hypotheses by the multivariate analysis of craniometrical, odontometrical and morphological traits from skull and
teeth of 19 pre-Columbian groups of Colombia. 
Both quantitative craniometrical and odontometrical
techniques generated convergent results.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez, J. V., & Vargas, C. (2015). Metric and Morphological Variation of the Precolumbian Populations of Colombia. About the Early Peopling of America. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 51(2), 65–87. Retrieved from


