Bureaucratic Activism and the Worldly Life of the State. Community Mothers as Street-level Bureaucrats and the Childcare program Welfare Homes


  • Lina Fernanda Buchely Ibarra Universidad Icesi


Street-level bureaucracies, reproductive work, community mothers, Welfare Homes social program


This article discusses the spaces of the outsourced social policy known as Welfare Homes as new scenarios in which the idea of what is public is produced and negotiated. Gathering up the main findings of the fieldwork developed with community mothers in different Colombian cities, the text suggests that there are public and non-state areas where streetlevel bureaucracies produce, at its discretion, the rule of law as a language of the state. In this sense, the production of the public in postneoliberal scenarios has a life beyond the State, without stop depending on it, which takes place in everyday scenarios. That new existence of the public is far from the institutional, vertical and ritualized State idea that has been standardized by Weber’s reading of the public administration.



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How to Cite

Buchely Ibarra, L. F. (2015). Bureaucratic Activism and the Worldly Life of the State. Community Mothers as Street-level Bureaucrats and the Childcare program Welfare Homes. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 51(1), 137–159. Retrieved from http://biblioteca-canje-intra.icanh.gov.co/index.php/rca/article/view/237