Lost World, Found Paradise: Place, Identity and Production in Gran Sabana, Venezuela


  • Luis Fernando Angosto Ferrández The University of Sydney


Gran Sabana, Pemon, indigeneity, Venezuela


The bases of a type of production enmeshed in the capitalist system emerged in Gran Sabana during the twentieth century, but still nowadays a part of its ancestral Pemon inhabitants maintain a notably autonomous economy of subsistence. In order to explain this situation, in this article I identify how exoticising narratives of place and identity constructed around the Gran Sabana and its ancestral inhabitants have contributed to consolidate a reductionist polarisation that approaches all social issues in the region through an analytical distinction between ‘indigenous’ and ‘non-indigenous’ spheres. In addition, I examine material foci that, independently from those spheres of analysis, structurally diversify the inhabitants of Gran Sabana. I argue that taking these material foci of social diversification into account should be crucial for those who seek solutions to existing problems in the region. 



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How to Cite

Angosto Ferrández, L. F. (2013). Lost World, Found Paradise: Place, Identity and Production in Gran Sabana, Venezuela. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 49(1), 11–43. Retrieved from http://biblioteca-canje-intra.icanh.gov.co/index.php/rca/article/view/289



Etnografías y debates sobre etnicidad y multiculturalismo