Experiences of Violence and Repair of Landmines Survivors in Magdalena Medio, Colombia


  • Angélica Franco Gamboa Grupo Conflicto Social y Violencia del Centro de Estudios Sociales (CES) de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia


violence, symbolic prosthesis, landmine survivor, body


This research explores the experience of violence and restitution of four landmines survivors in Colombia’s Magdalena Medio region. Subjectivity, intersubjectivity and social experience are analytical categories that I use to show that the figures of the hero, the criminal and the victim can inhabit the same fragmented body, and to demonstrate that the experience of the victim is different than the one of the survivor. This interdisciplinary approach, both psychological and anthropological, shows the connection between the experience of violence and restitution for landmine survivors and the social, historical, political and cultural realms which surround them. On the other hand, this research reveals the potential of the intersubjective space to mobilize the restitution for its dismembered bodies through symbolic prosthesis. 



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How to Cite

Franco Gamboa, A. (2013). Experiences of Violence and Repair of Landmines Survivors in Magdalena Medio, Colombia. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 49(1), 153–176. Retrieved from http://biblioteca-canje-intra.icanh.gov.co/index.php/rca/article/view/298



Etnografías del cuerpo y de la violencia