A Rainforest Acoustemology


  • Steven Feld University of New Mexico


acoustemology, sound, kaluli, Papua New Guinea


This text has the purpose of giving a voice to a sort of alternating reality, to a kind of resonant sensibility I have found by way of anthropological research of the ecology of language, of music and acoustics. My hope is that when granting spaces to marginalized voices from where they can speak out, scream and sing, therefore anthropology could in certain measure counteract the rooted arrogance of colonial and imperial authority, the same of history written in just one tongue, history with one voice as if unique and possible narrative.



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How to Cite

Feld, S. (2013). A Rainforest Acoustemology. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 49(1), 217–239. Retrieved from http://biblioteca-canje-intra.icanh.gov.co/index.php/rca/article/view/301