Rock Art and Ritual. An Archaeological Study of the El Colegio Petroglyphs (Cundinamarca)


  • Pedro María Argüello García Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Tunja
  • Juan Carlos Rodríguez Buitrago Fundación Investigaciones en Antropología y Medio Ambiente (Inama)


rock art, Archaeology, ritual, El Colegio (Cundinamarca)


Based on the construction of some archaeological expectations about the ritual character of rock art, this article analyzes a group of petroglyphs of El Colegio (Cundinamarca) and their relation with other archaeological objects. Beyond the consideration about the ritual production and using of rock art, the intention is going deeper in the context in which petroglyphs were used. In contrast with the tendency for looking rock art as a highly ritualized object —differentiated from the domestic sphere— our analysis demonstrate the close relation between petroglyphs and domestic contexts and therefore with events whose scale is not beyond the familiar domain.


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How to Cite

Argüello García P. M., & Rodríguez Buitrago, J. C. (2013). Rock Art and Ritual. An Archaeological Study of the El Colegio Petroglyphs (Cundinamarca). Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 49(1), 241–277. Retrieved from