Made in Colombia. The Commercial Construction of Colombianness


  • Juan Diego Sanín Santamaría Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana



cultural patrimony, national identity, colombianness, experience economy, consumption


The relations that currently exist between market, consumption and cultural patrimonialization, influence directly the notion of patrimony and the speeches of national identity. This article explores this subject from two perspectives. The first one presents a conceptual frame that establishes some correlations between the “economy of the experience”, the processes of diffusion of the cultural patrimony and the construction of the national identity. In the second one, by means of some case studies, is analyzed the way that these relations are pronounced locally: in the creation of a commercial national symbolism, in the forms of representation of cultural patrimony by market and in the influence of tourism in the imaginaries of the national territory.


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How to Cite

Sanín Santamaría , J. D. . (2010). Made in Colombia. The Commercial Construction of Colombianness. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 46(1), 27–61.



Mercado, consumo y patrimonialización cultural en Colombia