Most Cited

Landscapes of Dispossession: Proposals for an Analysis from the Entailed Sociospatial Reconfigurations

Diana Ojeda

Pages: 151-185                  Publication date: 02 June 2017

Two Paradoxes of Colombian Multiculturalism: The Spatialization of Indigenous Difference and Its Political Isolation

Diana Bocarejo

Pages: 97-121                  Publication date: 01 July 2011

Multiculturalism and Racism

Peter Wade

Pages: 15-35                   Publication date: 01 July 2011

Documents as field. Theoretical and Methodological Reflections about an Ethnographic Perspective on Archives and Official Documents

Eva Muzzopappa, Carla Villalta        

Pages: 13-42                     Publication date: 20 August 2011       

Gastronomic Republic and Country of Cooks: Food, Politics, Mass Media, and a New Idea of Nation for Peru

Raúl Matta

Pages: 15-40                   Publication date: 03 December 2014

Genetic Structure of a Southwestern Colombian Population

Liliana Córdoba, Jharley Jair García, Luz Stella Hoyos, Constanza Duque, Winston Rojas, Silvio Carvajal, Luisa Fernanda Escobar, Ingrid Reyes, Nohelia Cajas, Adalberto Sánchez, Felipe García, Gabriel Bedoya, Andrés Ruiz-Linares

Pages: 21-48                   Publication date: 30 June 2012

Domesticating Dispossession: African Palm, Land Grabbing and Gender in the Bajo Aguán, Honduras

Andrés León Araya

Pages: 151-185                   Publication date: 16 may 2016

El Baile de los que Sobran: Cultural Change and Academic Evaluation

Yuri Jack Gómez-Morales

Pages: 15-25                   Publication date: 18 august 2017

Article: Introduction

Diana Bocarejo, Eduardo Restrepo

Pages: 07-13                   Publication date: 23 december 2011

Obsidian and Projectile Points: Substance and Form of Social Relations in Las Pailas, Catamarca, Argentina

Juan Pablo Carbonelli

Pages: 117-137                   Publication date: 01 june 2014