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The Use of Interviews in the Social Sciences. In Defense of the Ethnographic Interview

Stéphane Beaud

Pages: 175-218                      Publication date: January 15th, 2018

That’s enough about Ethnography!

Tim Ingold

Pages: 143-159                   Publication date: August 18th, 2017

Fieldwork as Surrender: Reflections on the Methodology of Participant Observation

Eleder Piñeiro, Carlos Diz

Pages: 59-88                       Publication date: January 15th, 2018

Living with Water

Alejandro Camargo, Juana Camacho

Pages: 07-25                       Publication date: December 17, 2018

Food Sovereignty and Other Sovereignties: The Value of the Commons

Giovanna Micarelli

Pages: 119-142                       Publication date: June 14, 2018

María Isabel Jociles Rubio
Pages: 121-150                        Publication date: January 15, 2018

Territory as Victim. Political Ontology and the Laws for Victims of Indigenous and Afrodescendant Communities in Colombia

Daniel Ruiz-Serna

Pages: 85-113                        Publication date: August 18, 2017

Colombian Broadcasting through some Newspapers and Magazines, 1928-1950

Catalina Castrillón Gallego

Pages: 137-154                  Publication date: August 20, 2011