Between the politics of the living and the politics of life Towards an anthropology of health


  • Didier Fassin University of Paris 13, Bobigny



Health, alive, live, health policies, immigrants


Through a review of recent trends in medical anthropology, this article defines the theoretical and methodological challenges faced by anthropology in the field of health studies. as such, the political anthropology of health posits a fundamental distinction between what lives and what is alive, given that health itself is not an ideological problem. Rather, it integrates broader social logics. On one hand, the development of new medical technologies, and on the other, the implementation of state policies regarding social security, condition access to health services, reflecting the existing power relations that weigh in on the government of life and disease.


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Author Biography

Didier Fassin, University of Paris 13, Bobigny

Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, University of Paris 13, Bobigny


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How to Cite

Fassin, D. . (2005). Between the politics of the living and the politics of life Towards an anthropology of health. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 40, 283–318.



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