Gastronomic Republic and Country of Cooks: Food, Politics, Mass Media, and a New Idea of Nation for Peru


  • Raúl Matta Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, París


culinary nationalism, Peruvian cuisine, gastro-politics, entrepreneurship


Peruvian cuisine is currently arousing much enthusiasm among Peruvians, who see in it possibilities of economic and social development as well as a sentiment of national pride. Expectations of the culinary potential have reached the current political agenda. Merging public and private interests, the media play an active role in building a sense of community and in the formulation of a new idea of nation with food as its spearhead. Drawing on three recent films, this article analyzes culinary nationalism in Peru as a political discourse and a performative agent. It then highlights its links with neoliberal values embedded in contemporary societies.


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How to Cite

Matta, R. (2014). Gastronomic Republic and Country of Cooks: Food, Politics, Mass Media, and a New Idea of Nation for Peru. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 50(2), 15–40. Retrieved from